A travel log of my motorcycle journeys

A travel log of my motorcycle journeys

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The night before

Less than 11 hours from departure.... I'm tired, excited, eager to get going... but hesitant.... have I forgotten anything? Will the gear all work as planned?  How much stuff are we taking????? will it all fit???  
A thunder & lightning storm blew through here earlier this evening. We had wind and LOTS of rain in a brief period of time. One loud boom and the power went out. Great! I'm trying to do one last load of laundry and now the power is out.  I can't do anything about the lack of electricity so let's just do what we're able do.  Pack, cross things off some checklist, write some random thoughts on my blog.
Rebecca is already writing in her new journal - thanks Dan.
I'm tired but don't feel like sleeping.........  Hey guess what, tomorrow we're starting our cross-country trip!!!
Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy!

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